Lansinoh manual breast pump
With this portable hand pump breastfeeding moms can comfortably and conveniently pump on the go. The Lansinoh Manual Pump is lightweight and portable for an easy experience at home, at work, or traveling. Each manual Lansinoh pump comes with 2 sizes of our ComfortFit Flange (standard 25mm and large 30.5mm), an attached breastmilk storage bottle, a NaturalWave Slow Flow Nipple, a bottle holder stand, an extra valve and lid, and a hand breast pump manual with instructional diagrams. Lansinoh has been helping moms and babies get a good start to their new lives for over 35 years. We offer a variety of breastfeeding essentials including Lansinoh Lanolin nipple cream, organic nipple cream, Lansinoh disposable nursing pads, washable nursing pads, Lansinoh breast milk storage bags, manual and double electric breast pumps, nipple shields, plastic and glass baby bottles, and other therapy products. We also have extra Lansinoh breast pump parts for our manual pump.